The Natural Health Centre - The Story...
In early 1986, in a quiet little town called Shrewsbury, something interesting happened.
A little cafe / bookshop opened in Abbey Foregate, with a focus on helping & healing people. It was the brainchild of Eddie King, a Methodist minister with an interest in Healing. He wanted to develop it into a place that offered therapies, and so it became known as the Shrewsbury Natural Health Centre.
At the same time, a dozen or so therapists attended a meeting to discuss ways of working together. The meeting had been arranged by Geoff Hardy, a massage therapist who had just moved up from London and felt that Shrewsbury needed a multi-disciplinary "holistic" centre. Simon Hooker, a reflexologist who had also moved up from London, and shared Geoff's vision, co-hosted the meeting, which led to an informal group of therapists looking to work together.
Geoff, Simon, and one or two others then became the first group of therapists to work at the "Shrewsbury Natural Health Centre" by the Abbey. This rapidly became "the" place for natural therapies in Shrewsbury.
By 1989, with Eddie King having returned to the Methodist Ministry, and the old building in Abbey Foregate beginning to crumble, the time had come for a change. A group of 5 therapists, by now "friends" more than "colleagues", decided to create something better - more professional, more modern, to take natural therapies in Shrewsbury towards the 21st. Century. They formed a Partnership - which survives to this day - and found new premises at Radbrook Green, in South Shrewsbury, with free parking and good connections by road, bus, and bike. The new centre, called simply "The Natural Health Centre", opened in the summer of 1990. The purpose of the centre was NOT to make money - it was to provide a place where people could access the best in natural healthcare, with all the major therapies under one roof. Improving lives has always been the priority.
We have spent over 25 years building up this practice. We have developed links with the NHS and other organisations, lecturing to doctors, nurses, physiotherapists and others, in surgeries, hospitals, universities... as well as youth clubs, village halls, anywhere there are people who want to discover more about the world of natural medicine.
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We've helped more than 20,000 people. We must be doing something right ! We offer the best in Natural Healthcare / Integral Health / Integrated Health .....